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Int J Psychoanal ; 105(2): 192-209, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38655646


Freud's very brief 1922 paper on the beheading of Medusa by Perseus wisely concludes with a call for a further examination of the sources of the legend. A now widespread interpretation of this legend is based (often without acknowledgement) on an addition to traditions concerning Medusa made in Ovid's Metamorphoses. It is argued here that this Ovidian innovation has often been misinterpreted, and that a more careful reading of Metamorphoses supports neither a widely alleged exclusively vengeful portrayal of Medusa, nor Freud's portrayal of Medusa's decapitation as solely a pitiable and terrible symbol of castration. Instead, Ovid's complex treatments of myths involving Medusa, Minerva and Perseus present parallels with Kleinian insights into phantasy attacks on fecundity, and into imagined revivals of dead or damaged inside babies. Thus the "displacement upwards" of the fearful castrated maternal genital envisioned in Freud's "Medusa's Head" must stand beside a quite different "displacement upwards" of the life-giving maternal genital. Indeed, tradition holds that Medusa's beheading gives rise to the birth of vigorous twins. Together with allied details, this aligns Ovid's masterwork with theories that modify or displace the so-called "sexual phallic monism" that some believe taints Freud's theories of gender development.

Teoria Freudiana , Humanos , História do Século XX , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Psicanálise/história , Feminino
Psychoanal Rev ; 111(1): 37-46, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38551661


By revisiting the last years of a long psychoanalytic treatment of a female patient, a psychoanalyst reflects on her own development as a clinician and on the changes in her experience of psychoanalytic generativity. An increasing ability to understand patient's shifts between creativity and destructiveness brings about a different understanding of the process of mourning, while the shared aging of the analytic dyad highlights the difficulty of ending an analysis that has become a way of life.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Humanos , Feminino , Pesar , Criatividade , Sonhos , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Teoria Psicanalítica
Psychoanal Rev ; 111(1): 25-35, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38551659


Attention to the manifestations of death anxiety in the clinical context is often absent in the discourse of psychoanalytic training. This exchange addresses some of the causes of such an absence: a fraught relation between privacy and secrecy, primacy of psychic reality and interpretation, and cultural underpinnings of sanitization of death.

Terapia Psicanalítica , Humanos , Teste de Realidade , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Teoria Psicanalítica
J Hist Behav Sci ; 60(1): e22277, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37367638


The development of the concept of dreams in interwar Polish psychiatry and psychology was influenced by Western European concepts as well as by sociocultural factors of the newly independent state. Few Polish psychiatrists addressed the subject of dreams. They were influenced mainly by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic concept of dreams, but also by Alferd Adler's, Carl Gustav Jung's, and Wilhelm Stekel's ideas. Nevertheless, they approached psychoanalysis critically. The most comprehensive concept of dreams in Polish psychiatry was oneiroanalysis by Tadeusz Bilikiewicz. Oneironalysis was a method of dream analysis based on psychoanalysis but it rejected the psychoanalytic method of free associations and challenged psychoanalytic approaches to the interpretation of dream symbols. Polish psychologists were even less interested in dreams than psychiatrists. Problems with dreams, the most elaborate psychological work by Stefan Szuman consisted of an outline of epistemological problems with general theories of dreams and a harsh critique of psychoanalysis. The neglect of the subject of dreams in Polish psychiatric society can be seen as connected with the social and professional reception of psychoanalysis in Poland. Psychoanalysis was met with opposition from conservative scholars and publicists presenting nationalistic and anti-Semitic attitudes. It was also criticized by the biologically oriented majority of psychiatrists of the Polish Psychiatric Association. In the case of psychology, the most influential Polish psychological school, Lvov-Warsaw School, promoted Brentanian intentionalism, introspection, and psychology of consciousness, therefore, leading to psychologists' reluctance to explore unconscious states like dreams.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Humanos , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Polônia , Sonhos/psicologia
J Hist Behav Sci ; 60(1): e22289, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37851361


The primary aim of this article is to give a more detailed exposition of the cultural, personal, and theoretical contexts in which the Viennese psychoanalyst, Herbert Silberer's theories were born. When assessing the broader picture that this approach offers, it can be concluded that Silberer was an innovative thinker who inspired several of his contemporaries. Recognized in many respects by the society and scholars of this time, he represented quite a different viewpoint that was significantly influenced by several forms of Western esoteric thinking. Yet his main aim was to contribute to the field of psychoanalysis and develop a theory in which rationalistic psychoanalytic interpretations were combined with nonreductive approaches to mystical experiences. Silberer's name is frequently mentioned in a specific context in which his tragic suicide is emphasized rather than his innovations. Upon evaluating the materials recording Silberer's private life, it seems very likely that his suicide was not triggered by the criticism of Freud alone. Silberer's family affairs, his relationship with his father, and his financial and professional struggles could have all contributed to his tragic decision. This paper contends that Silberer's oeuvre deserves greater attention and must be evaluated based upon its own merit.

Psicanálise , Humanos , Psicanálise/história , Interpretação Psicanalítica
Psicol. USP ; 352024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1538366


A arte e a literatura estão presentes de maneira significativa, tanto em Freud quanto em Lacan, entretanto elas se inscrevem de diferentes formas nas duas teorias, isso pode ser melhor observado quando os autores se debruçam sobre uma mesma obra, como Hamlet de William Shakespeare. Além desta, Macbeth é outro drama shakespeariano que interessará a Freud por conta da personagem de Lady Macbeth. Diante disso, o artigo analisou as interpretações de Freud acerca dessas duas tragédias shakespearianas, assim como as de Lacan sobre Hamlet, investigando algumas particularidades acerca de relações com a arte e com a literatura. Embora impliquem em interpretações diversas, essas obras reúnem elementos importantes e por vezes com um valor de exemplo paradigmático para reflexões no campo da psicanálise

Both Freud and in Lacan make extensive, albeit different, use of art and literature in their theories. This can be better observed when they focus on the same work, such as Hamlet and, in Freud's case, Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Thus, this article analysed Freud's readings of these two Shakespearean tragedies, as well as Lacan's analysis of Hamlet, investigating some particularities about their relations with art and literature. Despite differences in interpretation, these works bring together important elements valuable as a paradigmatic example of psychoanalytic reflections

Freud et Lacan font tout deux un usage intensive, mais différent, de l'art et la littérature dans leurs théories. Cela peut être mieux lorsque les auteurs se concentrent sur la même œuvre, comme Hamlet et, dans le cas de Freud, Macbeth de William Shakespeare. Cet article donc analyse la lecture de Freud de ces deux tragédies shakespeariennes, ainsi que l'analyse de Lacan sur Hamlet, en étudiant certaines particularités de leurs relations avec l'art et la littérature. Bien qu'ils impliquent des interprétations différentes, ces travaux rassemblent des éléments importants et ont parfois valeur d'exemple paradigmatique pour les réflexions psychanalytiques

El arte y la literatura están presentes de manera significativa, tanto en Freud como en Lacan, sin embargo se inscriben de diferentes formas en ambas teorías, esto se puede observar mejor cuando los autores se enfocan en una misma obra, como Hamlet de William Shakespeare. Además de esto, Macbeth es otro drama de Shakespeare que a Freud le interesará por el personaje de Lady Macbeth. Por tanto, el artículo analizó las interpretaciones de Freud sobre estas dos tragedias de Shakespeare, así como las interpretaciones de Lacan sobre Hamlet, investigando algunas particularidades sobre sus relaciones con el arte y la literatura. Aunque implican diferentes interpretaciones, estas obras reúnen elementos importantes y, en ocasiones, con el valor de un ejemplo paradigmático para las reflexiones en el campo del psicoanálisis

Arte , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Teoria Psicanalítica , Literatura
Psychoanal Q ; 92(4): 687-712, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38095859


I use the clinical example of a traumatized adolescent to talk about how a transference experience creates the frame where the analytic work occurs. Out of the external boundaries of the relationships with an object, the internal frame, the womb of transformation processes, is created. The analyst's capacity to wait is essential for the transformation that creates and shapes the transference experience, which, like playing, becomes the matrix of the frame where it happens as it happens. As the traumatic experiences find their place in the transference and begin to be integrated, the adolescent becomes more present and real in the session.

Interpretação Psicanalítica , Terapia Psicanalítica , Feminino , Adolescente , Humanos , Transferência Psicológica , Fases de Leitura , Útero
Subj. procesos cogn. ; 27(2): 1-30, dic. 12, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1518934


El presente trabajo se centra en un estudio preliminar en aras de aplicar el Algoritmo David Liberman (ADL) como instrumento en el campo de la supervisión en un texto, tomado como informe de un supervisante, que pretende tratar el problema relacionado con el cambio psíquico desde las intervenciones del analista y desde una dificultad que surge con el uso que hace el paciente de la intervención para atacar al análisis. Comienza con un estudio de un enactment contratransferencial relatado por el analista, y luego analiza la construcción teórica presentada por él, identificando que su elaboración conceptual aún era inducida por el influjo del discurso del paciente. El énfasis de la investigación propuesta es aplicar la taxonomía de las intervenciones junto a la perspectiva de los errores del pensamiento aportadas por Maldavsky (2017). Se propone articular la práctica clínica y la elaboración conceptual, tal como ocurre en la supervisión AU

The present work presents the possibility of applying the David Liberman Algorithm (ADL) as an instrument in the field of supervision, from a text taken as a report by a supervisor, which aims to address the problem related to psychic change from the analyst's interventions and of a difficulty that arises from the patient's use of the intervention to attackthe analysis. It begins with a study of a countertransferential enactmentreported by the analyst, and later analyzes the theoretical construction presented by him, identifying that his conceptual elaboration was still induced by the influx of the patient's speech. The emphasis of the investigation lies in developing a foundation regarding the link between clinical practice and conceptual elaboration, guided by the categories related to the taxonomy of interventions and origin, function and errors of thought presented by Maldavsky, as occurs in a supervisión AU

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Relações Profissional-Paciente , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Contratransferência , Inconsciente Psicológico , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto , Impulso (Psicologia)
Psicol. rev ; 32(1): 11-35, 17/10/2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1518184


Buscamos neste ensaio apresentar algumas das principais transformações pelas quais passou a psicanálise no seu desenvolvimento histórico. Nesse movi-mento, os chamados paradigmas pulsional e objetal foram se estabelecendo como principais referências ao campo psicanalítico. Nossa intenção principal foi conhecer como a relação de objeto está presente na teoria pulsional de Freud, sobretudo na primeira tópica. Ademais, saber como a dinâmica pulsional e o objeto se apresentam no pensamento de um dos principais psicanalistas da primeira geração, Karl Abraham. Como desdobramento deste estudo, apre-sentamos alguns dos efeitos de como a noção de objeto, presente nas teorias desses paradigmas, pode fundamentar diferentes noções de desenvolvimento, de psicopatologia e de manejo clínico em nossa contemporaneidade. (AU)

In this essay, we aim to present some of the key transformations that psycho-analysis has undergone in its historical development. In this movement, the concepts of drive and object paradigms were established as main references to the psychoanalytic field. Our primary objective was to explore the presence of object relations in Freud's drive theory, especially in the first topography. Moreover, we seek to know how the dynamic of drives and the object are present in the thinking of one of the leading psychoanalysts of the first genera-tion, Karl Abraham. As an extension to this study, we point out some of the effects of how the notion of object, included in the theories of these paradigms, can underpin various concepts of development, psychopathology, and clinical practice in contemporary psychoanalysis. (AU)

En este ensayo buscamos presentar algunas de las principales transfor-maciones que ha sufrido el psicoanálisis en su desarrollo histórico. En este movimiento, los denominados paradigmas pulsionales y objetal se estable-cieron como referencias principales al campo psicoanalítico. Nuestra inten-ción principal era saber cómo está presente la relación de objeto en la teoría pulsional de Freud, especialmente en la primera tópica. Además, saber cómo la dinámica pulsional y el objeto se presentan en el pensamiento de uno de los principales psicoanalistas de la primera generación, Karl Abraham. Como consecuencia de este estudio, presentamos algunos de los efectos de cómo la noción de objeto, presente en las teorías de estos paradigmas, puede soportar diferentes nociones de desarrollo, psicopatología y manejo clínico en nuestros tiempos contemporáneos.

Humanos , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Apego ao Objeto , Psicanálise/história , Teoria Psicanalítica , Sexualidade
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(41): e2314908120, 2023 10 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37756348
Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 19(1): 35-40, ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518437


Tomando como eje la noción de plus de gozar propuesta por Jacques Lacan en su seminario De un Otro al otro, el presente trabajo aborda diferentes modos en que la serie de ciencia ficción noruega Beforeigners pone en escena modalidades de la segregación en una sociedad en la que predominan ideales como la tolerancia y la inclusión

Taking as its axis the notion of surplus jouissance [plus-de-jouir], proposed by Jacques Lacan in his seminar from an Other to the other, this paper addresses different ways in which the Norwegian science fiction series Beforeigners stages modalities of segregation in a society in which values such as tolerance and inclusion predominate

Humanos , Diversidade Cultural , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Segregação Residencial , Filmes Cinematográficos
Int J Psychoanal ; 104(2): 331-355, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37139732


This paper explores the notion of proof in clinical psychoanalysis by reconsidering an argument Freud made concerning the relation between successful psychoanalytic treatment and truth, dubbed the "Tally Argument" by the philosopher Adolf Grünbaum. I first reiterate criticisms of Grünbaum's reconstruction of this argument, which bring out the degree to which he has misunderstood Freud. I then offer my own interpretation of the argument and the reasoning that underlies its key premise. Drawing from this discussion, I explore three forms of proof, each inspired also by analogies with other disciplines. Laurence Perrine's "The Nature of Proof in the Interpretation of Poetry" stimulates my discussion of inferential proof, the relevant form of which involves proving an interpretation through a strong enough Inference to the Best Explanation. Mathematical proof stimulates my discussion of apodictic proof, of which psychoanalytic insight is a fitting example. Finally, holism in legal reasoning stimulates my discussion of holistic proof, which provides a reliable means by which therapeutic success can verify epistemic conclusions. These three forms of proof can play a crucial role in ascertaining psychoanalytic truth.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Masculino , Humanos , Psicanálise/história , Teoria Freudiana , Interpretação Psicanalítica
Int J Psychoanal ; 104(2): 301-330, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37139735


The paper confronts psychoanalytic dream theories with the findings of empirical dream research. It summarizes the discussion in psychoanalysis around the function of dreams (e.g. as the guardian of sleep), wish-fullfilment or compensation, whether there is a difference between latent and manifest content, etc. In empirical dream research some of these questions have been investigated and the results can provide clarifications for psychoanalytic theorizing. The paper provides an overview of empirical dream research and its findings, as well as of clinical dream research in psychoanalysis, which was mainly conducted in German-speaking countries. The results are used to discuss the major questions in psychoanalytic dream theories and points out some developments in contemporary approaches which have been influenced by these insights. As a conclusion the paper attempts to formulate a revised theory of dreaming and its functions, which combines psychoanalytic thinking with research.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Humanos , Sonhos , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Teoria Psicanalítica
Am J Psychoanal ; 83(2): 178-209, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37161079


In the dream and its interpretation, psychoanalysis, in its founding period around 1900, identified the "royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious in the psychic life." But already in the development of Freud's work itself, the dream lost its central position: As early as in the 1920s, psychoanalysis ceased to be a theory and practice defined by dream interpretation-a caesura in a process which completed itself in 1950. Two further developments proved, up to the present day, particularly momentous for the conception of the dream: Melanie Klein's development of the concept of "unconscious phantasy" and the extension of psychoanalytic treatment to psychosis, originally declared inaccessible to psychoanalytic therapy by Freud. This article draws an itinerary of this path and the subsequent fundamental changes in the psychoanalytic reflection on the dream affecting the whole of psychoanalysis until today, by casting spotlights on essential stations: conceptions of the dream developed by Hanna Segal and Wilfred Bion, the latter's theory perpetuating Freud's dream theory as well as it conceptualizes dreams, dreaming, and thinking in a fundamentally new way.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Transtornos Psicóticos , Humanos , Psicanálise/história , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Teoria Psicanalítica , Teoria Freudiana
Am J Psychoanal ; 83(2): 152-177, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37225776


Nowhere do we see the beauty of our struggles so clearly as in the world of dreams. This past year saw the passing of one of our most creative and inspiring poets of the world of dreams, Paul Lippmann. In this paper, I speak from and about the world of dreams, recognizing ways in which they call to our attention aspects of experience which, unparsed, leave us caught emotionally. Considered will be the dream itself, its forms and functions, ways in which our emotional tangles within the dream space become visual pictograms. Bion suggested that the purpose of psychoanalysis is to enhance the capacities for feeling, thinking and dreaming. The dreaming process is enhanced by and in the psychoanalytic session. Through the dream work of analyst and analysand, dream elements become more fully elaborated into meaningful symbols that enrich the evolving narratives within the sessions. I will also consider ways in which psychosocial perspectives and psychoanalytic field theory have enhanced our understanding of and ability to make sense of our dreams, providing an enlarged playing field beyond the reconstructive efforts of early psychoanalysis.

Sonhos , Teoria Psicanalítica , Humanos , Sonhos/psicologia , Emoções , Interpretação Psicanalítica
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 349-369, maio 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1434550


O artigo trata da censura na arte brasileira contemporânea que, desde 2016, com o encerramento da exposição Queermuseu, marcou o retorno de um tipo de ato censório (pós-censura) que difere da censura praticada desde a redemocratização. Para tal, apresentamos um retorno até as formas da censura institucionalizada na Ditadura Militar (censura clássica) e sua dissolução na cultura. Com apoio em trechos de algumas entrevistas que realizamos em nosso campo empírico, a articulação teórica é feita entre os campos da estética, da política e da psicanálise, com apoio principal nas teorias de Michel Foucault, Jacques Rancière e Sigmund Freud. Argumentamos que a censura expõe de forma inequívoca o fato de que a criação responde às transformações no campo político que, por sua vez, geram novas formas artísticas. Conclui-se que a prinicipal marca da pós-censura é a imprecisão da figura do censor e que, tanto num como noutro contexto, a censura impede o exercício da função social da arte, questão que deve ser observada na psicanálise para além da subjetividade individual do artista.

The article deals with censorship in contemporary Brazilian art which, since 2016, with the closing of the Queermuseu exhibition, marked the return of a type of censorship act (post-censorship) that differs from the censorship practiced since redemocratization. To this end, we present a return to the forms of institutionalized censorship in the Military Dictatorship (classical censorship) and its dissolution in culture. Supported by excerpts from some interviews that we carried out in our empirical field, the theoretical articulation is made between the fields of aesthetics, politics and psychoanalysis, with main support in the theories of Michel Foucault, Jacques Rancière and Sigmund Freud. We argue that censorship unequivocally exposes the fact that creation responds to transformations in the political field which, in turn, generate new artistic forms. It is concluded that the main mark of post-censorship is the imprecision of the figure of the censor and that, both in one context and in another, censorship prevents the exercise of the social function of art, an issue that must be observed in psychoanalysis beyond individual subjectivity of the artist.

El artículo trata de la censura en el arte brasileño contemporáneo que, desde 2016, con la clausura de la exposición Queermuseu, marcó el retorno de un tipo de acto de censura (poscensura) que difiere de la censura practicada desde la redemocratización. Para ello, presentamos un retorno a las formas de censura institucionalizadas en la Dictadura Militar (censura clásica) y su disolución en la cultura. Apoyada en extractos de algunas entrevistas que realizamos en nuestro campo empírico, se realiza la articulación teórica entre los campos de la estética, la política y el psicoanálisis, con apoyo principal en Michel Foucault, Jacques Rancière y Sigmund Freud. Argumentamos que la censura expone de manera inequívoca que la creación responde a transformaciones en el campo político que, a su vez, generan nuevas formas artísticas. Se concluye que la principal marca de la poscensura es la imprecisión de la figura del censor y que, tanto en un contexto como en otro, la censura impide el ejercicio de la función social del arte, cuestión que debe observarse en el psicoanálisis más allá de la subjetividad individual del artista.

Política , Arte , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Cultura , Estética , Brasil/etnologia
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 370-389, maio 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1434554


Trabalhado a partir de revisão de literatura, este artigo visa a uma abordagem do fundamentalismo religioso sob a perspectiva da teoria freudiana. Justifica-se abordar esse fenômeno complexo e, atualmente, alardeador sob diversas perspectivas epistemológicas - dentre as quais, a psicanalítica -, objetivando uma compreensão interdisciplinar. A psicanálise, desde seus inícios, manifestou interesse pelo fenômeno religioso, que se tornou tema recorrente ao longo da obra de Freud. Diante da expressividade do atual fundamentalismo religioso na sociedade pós-moderna, faz-se oportuno buscar, no pensamento freudiano, aportes teóricos que possam contribuir para pensar esse fenômeno. A pesquisa desenvolvida busca destacar uma característica relevante nos segmentos religiosos fundamentalistas: o poderio dos líderes que, como a figura do grande homem abordado por Freud, são capazes de atrair, influenciar e mobilizar as massas, levando-as, inclusive, a posturas de intolerância e ataque contra a diversidade que constitui a sociedade. Conclui-se que o fundamentalismo religioso tende a persistir e suas variadas ressurgências demonstram como a religião não é imune a portar, em si, um potencial para o desencadeamento da pulsão agressiva e destrutiva inerente a todos os seres humanos e a suas diversas formas de associarem.

Based on a literature review, this article aims to approach religious fundamentalism from the perspective of Freudian theory. It is justified to approach this complex and currently boasting phenomenon from different epistemological perspectives - among which, the psychoanalytic one -, aiming at an interdisciplinary understanding. Psychoanalysis, from its beginnings, showed an interest in the religious phenomenon, which became a recurring theme throughout Freud's work. Given the expressiveness of current religious fundamentalism in postmodern society, it is opportune to seek, in Freudian thought, theoretical contributions that can help thinking about this phenomenon. The research developed seeks to highlight a relevant characteristic in fundamentalist religious segments: the power of leaders who, like the figure of the great man approached by Freud, are capable of attracting, influencing and mobilizing the masses, even leading them to postures of intolerance and attack against the diversity that constitutes society. It is concluded that religious fundamentalism tends to persist and its various resurgences demonstrate how religion is not immune to carrying, in itself, a potential for triggering the aggressive and destructive drive inherent to all human beings and to their various ways of associating.

A partir de una revisión de la literatura, este artículo tiene como objetivo abordar el fundamentalismo religioso desde la perspectiva de la teoría freudiana. Se justifica abordar este fenómeno complejo y, actualmente, prestigiado desde diferentes perspectivas epistemológicas -entre las cuales, la psicoanalítica-, visando una comprensión interdisciplinar. El psicoanálisis, desde sus inicios, mostró un interés por el fenómeno religioso, que se convirtió en un tema recurrente a lo largo de la obra de Freud. Dada la expresividad del fundamentalismo religioso actual en la sociedad posmoderna, es oportuno buscar en el pensamiento freudiano aportes teóricos que puedan contribuir a pensar este fenómeno. La investigación desarrollada busca resaltar una característica relevante en los segmentos religiosos fundamentalistas: el poder de los líderes que, como la figura del gran hombre abordada por Freud, son capaces de atraer, influir y movilizar a las masas, incluso llevándolas a posturas de intolerancia y atentado contra la diversidad que constituye la sociedad. Se concluye que el fundamentalismo religioso tiende a persistir y sus diversos resurgimientos demuestran cómo la religión no es inmune a portar, en sí misma, un potencial para desencadenar la pulsión agresiva y destructiva inherente a todo ser humano y a sus diversas formas de asociación.

Humanos , Política , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Religião , Liderança , Poder Psicológico , Ódio
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(6): 1149-1173, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38511890


At a time when many questions are arising about the nexus between psychoanalysis and social justice, the writings of Hans Loewald open an avenue for broadened conceptualizations of psychoanalytic activity and the role of interpretation within it. The pursuit of social justice, it is argued, is integral to psychoanalytic ethics, and the relation between activists and society can be formulated in Loewaldian terms. Using Loewald, and considering case examples from social justice informed advocacy, direct action, and protest speech in AIDS activism, social justice activism can be understood as a spontaneously emergent psychoanalytic interpretation delivered by activists to their social surround, effectively accomplishing multiple forms of therapeutic action. The therapeutic action includes a working through in two phases of the negative social transference, a concept proposed here to elaborate a mechanism for the transformation, through the interpretive aspects of activism, of psychic material directed toward marginalized subjects and those expressing marginalized subjective positions. Resistance to social justice activism is examined using the forms of resistance identified by Freud.

Psicanálise , Teoria Psicanalítica , Humanos , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Psicanálise/história , Justiça Social
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(6): 1063-1084, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38511893


Two distinct spaces can be seen as operating in a session-a private one in the analyst's mind, where formulations take shape, and one shared between patient and analyst, in which interpretations are offered. By maintaining a focus on the here and now in the latter space, taking care to protect it from intrusions from the analyst's theory except as hypotheses (in the form of interpretations derived from those formulations) aimed at eliciting unconscious responses that further the analytic inquiry, a basis for analytic work is established that aligns with ordinary scientific processes: theory is generated in the mind of the researcher, and hypotheses derived from it are tested systematically in a laboratory setting. Self-understanding that develops out of such an arrangement can then be seen as based on evidence, minimizing the role of suggestion. This line of thinking is illustrated with excerpts from the beginning of the analysis of a depressed patient. In developing areas of theory, when reliable evidence is particularly important, this way of working holds promise. In this case evidence was systematically gathered that led to the formulation of a model of internal racism.

Terapia Psicanalítica , Humanos , Contratransferência , Interpretação Psicanalítica
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(6): 1127-1148, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38511894


To patients, the most memorable moments in psychoanalytic treatment are seldom the contents of the analyst's interpretations, but the feeling of being understood. Interpretations are most meaningful not because of what they say but because each one is evidence that the analyst, who generally becomes someone of great significance to the patient, knows the patient more than before the interpretation was made. As a result of this process of "witnessing" patients not only know and feel-they also "know and feel that they know and feel." They can feel their roles in authoring their own experience. Therapeutic action results: patients "come into possession of themselves." Interpretations are the outcome of shifts in the interpersonal field, which reveal this new freedom to think and feel. This new freedom allows the creation of the analyst's interpretations, which therefore serve as a sign of a new way of being in one another's presence that has now become possible between analyst and patient. Field shifts are jointly created, without conscious intention, and interpretations arise from these shifts. Thus, interpretations are not really created independently by the mind of the analyst, but are instead the voice of the field. A clinical vignette illustrates these ideas.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Humanos , Emoções , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Relações Profissional-Paciente